Modernizing PMP

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Welcome to the Modernizing PMP Community

  • 1.  Welcome to the Modernizing PMP Community

    Posted 17 days ago

    Welcome to the Modernizing PMP Community! This community is intended to raise awareness and share information regarding climate change impacts to dams, extreme precipitation, and PMP modernization efforts from NOAA and private sector hydrometeorological consultants.  We hope this community will be a forum and resource for state dam safety programs, engineers, and dam owners as we navigate the changing world of extreme precipitation. We encourage you to use this community to ask questions, network with colleagues interested in PMP, and share your knowledge with the dam safety community.

    Ross Brown CAE
    Director - Conferences, Marketing & Membership
    Association of State Dam Safety Officials
    Lexington KY
    +1 (859) 550-2788