Speaker(s): Rick Olsen, PhD, PE, TrustDirt.com, Geotechnical Consultant
PDH's: This webinar is eligible for 2 PDH credits.
This webinar will comprehensively cover the Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT) from the most basic ideas to advanced topics. It will be engaging, interesting, and enjoyable to watch. The most important concepts will be fully described. There will be numerous examples of state-of-the-art evaluations. Stratigraphy evaluation is an underutilized potential for the CPT, and examples will be presented. A significant capability of the CPT is the ability to track continuous critical soil layers (soft clays for static conditions and loose sands for seismic events) under dams and levees. Various methods for stratigraphy evaluation will be presented. Numerous simple techniques will be given for evaluating paper-based plots of CPT data versus depth. The economics of CPT will be fully described, including how it relates to borings, sampling, index testing, and lab strength testing. Methods and techniques for CPT prediction of clay strength, sand friction angle, and liquefaction potential will be fully explored and compared.
Key Takeaways:
1. Learn how to plan a comprehensive CPT investigation for high economic return.
2. Understand how the CPT predicted Soil Characterization index is related to soil type and soil type-based behavior.
3. Learn about simple tools, methods, and software for evaluating CPT data to predict soil strength and other geotechnical properties.
4. Understand how over-consolidation (OCR) influences CPT measurements and predicted soil behavior.
5. Learn how to use CPT-predicted sand type and measured piezometric pore pressure for risk-based assessment of earth dams, levees, and tailing dams.