2025 HEC-RAS- Virtual

When:  Jul 15, 2025 from 10:00 to 17:00 (ET)

This course is an introduction of HEC-RAS with applications to dam safety.  This introduction course provides hands on opportunity to use the program and resolve specific questions.  The objective of this course is to review the basic principles of open channel hydraulics as they relate to the natural stream environment with application to dam safety.  Bridges, culverts and in-line structures will be discussed and both steady and unsteady flow modeling will be explored. 

Specific objectives will be to:

·        Understand the basics of water surface profile computations
·        Create 1D HEC-RAS models
·        Incorporate bridges, culverts and in-line structures
·        Apply principles of open channel flow to dams and dam failures
·        Extract and analyze output
·        Obtain an understanding of 1D unsteady flow modeling with HEC-RAS

By the end of the participant will be able to apply these objectives and have a comfort level in developing and analyzing a hydraulic model for typical open channel flow applications. The participants should have an undergraduate engineering degree.  Students should bring a laptop computer with the latest version of HEC-RAS installed along with a calculator.