
  • Welcome to the Modernizing PMP Collaborate Community

    The Modernizing PMP Collaborate community is intended as a place for interested ASDSO members to access the latest information related to extreme precipitation, climate change impacts on dams, and modernizing PMP. 

    The recently updated and approved ASDSO Extreme Precipitation Investigation Committee (EPIC) charter includes the following goals; 1: Providing media outreach materials for climate change and extreme precipitation facts related to dams, 2: Partnering with NOAA on their efforts toward modernizing PMP nationally, 3: Promoting Contributions from the scientific and academic communities, 4: Promoting the connection of PMP with Precipitation Frequency, and 5: Encouraging awareness and engagement between states regarding PMP Study advance from NOAA and the private sector. 

    As the EPIC committee works toward these goals, we plan to share information on the above topics through the Collaborate community to keep those interested abreast of these activities and the state of the practice in PMP.